HOW WE LOOK TODAY A little extra weight?....Slight greying of the hair?....Slightly less hair?....More aches and pains?....Afternoon naps?.... Senior moments?..... Eye sight fading fast.....The list goes on.......We all think that we haven't been affected by the passing years but would our friends and ex colleagues from Cannon Row days recognise us now? PUT IT TO THE TEST!! IF YOU FEEL YOU CAN REVEAL YOUR CURRENT IMAGE TO THE REST OF YOUR EX COLLEAGUES, THEN FIND A RECENT PHOTOGRAPH OF YOURSELF AND SEND IT TO ALPHA DELTA PLUS FOR INCLUSION ON THIS PAGE. PLEASE INCLUDE DIVISIONAL NUMBER, WARRANT NUMBER AND DATES AT 'AD' IN E-MAIL. Send your pictures via (preferably jpeg format please) |
Your Host of Alpha Delta Plus, JH. Ex PC 635 'A'/152743 ('AD' from October 1963 - May 1976) at Key West, Florida, APRIL 2002. As the Host of the web site I thought I ought to be the first to show a recent image of myself (Grey hair....senior moments...extra weight....more aches and pains....afternoon naps....fading eye al). NOW IT IS YOUR TURN.... HOW ABOUT AN UP TO DATE PICTURE OF YOU? If you want to see how we looked 'before', click on the 'today' image and if the subject has supplied a picture of his or her days at 'AD' to the site then you will be taken to that page/image. CLICK THIS IMAGE FOR 'BEFORE' VIEW. |
Ex PC893'A'/162613 Geoff CADMAN plus Harley Davidson. 'AD' 1971 - 1975. Now living in Hampshire.
Ex PC 840 'A'/161204 Len RICHES. 'AD' June 1970 - July 1974. Now living in Sydney, Australia . e-mail: Click on image to view Len in a 'Before' picture. |
DECEMBER 2001 Ex PC 149 'A'/121157 George SHARP. (AD 24/9/31 - 1/4/34) George is pictured on his 91st Birthday at home in New Zealand. George says his eye sight is not so good!!! and that the keyboard makes a lot of mistakes when he uses it!!! e-mail : CLICK IMAGE FOR 'BEFORE' VIEW OF GEORGE. |
LEFT: Ex PC 633 'A' /152259 Tony POULTER pictured August 2002 about to dig a glacier at the foot of Mont Blanc during a trip to Annecy. e-mail: ![]() |
Ex PC 633'A' /152259 Tony POULTER pictured with the Gloucestershire Morris Men ( in September 2001. If you would like to see a 'before' picture of Tony as he was in 1965 click on either image. |
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